where to stay

Below are some nearby hotels, including a couple of our favorites (and the venue for the whole party).

Dallas is very easy to get around and drive-able, so you can also use hotels.com or some other site to book a room, and then drive in if you prefer.
There will be valet parking at the St. Germain for the wedding.

This is where the whole shebang takes place! 
The hotel is small, though, so rooms may book quickly.

Right across the street from the St. Germain.
Vibe: Romantic and heavy on the luxury.

Four blocks from the St. Germain.
Vibe: Downtown and Art Deco.

5 minute drive to the St. Germain
Vibe: Quiet and classic.

10 minute drive from the St. Germain.
Vibe: Mid-century modern and arty.

Also check out this website, Uptown Dallas, for more nearby recommendations.